Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Tao of Photography by Tom Ang

I just picked up a book called Tao of Photography - it's a really interesting take on shooting differently. It covers everything from technical tips to creative inspiration in a really unique way. Here's a quote:

"In as much as photography consists of a long an irregular line of decisions, it is essentially about harmonizing and finding a balance between the pros and cons of one action as opposed to another...It works through the resolution of pairs of opposing characteristics, the Yin and Yang: large and small, light and darkness, mass and airiness. Thus, Yin and Yang are continually at work in photography - in all its aspects and in all its processes."

As I read more, I'll put up some more cool quotes, tips, etc. Would love to get your questions and comments as well!

Meantime, props to Google Analytics for providing awesome site tracking (for FREE), to FolioSnap for offering a really turnkey website solution for someone not super tech-savvy, and to the Nikon D80 for being a great camera. More to come!


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